It's wintery Autumn, I'm not too sure if the word "wintery" exists, but I don't care, it still makes sense right? :P
It's so cold here in London. But it was a little warmer than the last couple of days has been today. What a typical London weather! haha!
I'm enjoying my school, the teachers that I have rocks! (well, excluding one or two.)
I have so much work to do but it's all going to be worth it ^__^
I should really go to bed now...
It's 4:40am and I'm meant to be meeting my friends at 11:30am tomorrow...more like today... in 7hours!
During that 7hours I need some sleep, shower, get dressed etc...
Why am I still up? I was listening to some piano pieces on youtube but somehow ended up listening to lots of disney classic music... And COULD NOT STOP. Don't blame me, Disney Classics are so awesome!
"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" :P hahahaha.
Byes. :]